Thursday 1 August 2013

Britain WORLD WAR 3

So as you may all be aware everyone is talking about world war three! I don't know the ins and outs of it all but I did a bit of research and found the below information on a legit news website.

This is the queens speech.

Text of the 1983 message to the nation written for Her Majesty the Queen... but never delivered 
When I spoke to you less than three months ago we were all enjoying the warmth and fellowship of a family Christmas. Our thoughts were concentrated on the strong links that bind each generation to the ones that came before and those that will follow. The horrors of war could not have seemed more remote as my family and I shared our Christmas joy with the growing family of the Commonwealth. 
Now this madness of war is once more spreading through the world and our brave country must again prepare itself to survive against great odds.
I have never forgotten the sorrow and pride I felt as my sister and I huddled around the nursery wireless set listening to my father’s inspiring words on that fateful day in 1939. Not for a single moment did I imagine that this solemn and awful duty would one day fall to me.
We all know that the dangers facing us today are greater by far than at any time in our long history. The enemy is not the soldier with his rifle nor even the airman prowling the skies above our cities and towns but the deadly power of abused technology. 
But whatever terrors lie in wait for us all the qualities that have helped to keep our freedom intact twice already during this sad century will once more be our strength.
My husband and I share with families up and down the land the fear we feel for sons and daughters, husbands and brothers who have left our side to serve their country. My beloved son Andrew is at this moment in action with his unit and we pray continually for his safety and for the safety of all servicemen and women at home and overseas.
It is this close bond of family life that must be our greatest defence against the unknown. If families remain united and resolute, giving shelter to those living alone and unprotected, our country’s will to survive cannot be broken. 
My message to you therefore is simple. Help those who cannot help themselves, give comfort to the lonely and the homeless and let your family become the focus of hope and life to those who need it. 
As we strive together to fight off the new evil let us pray for our country and men of goodwill wherever they may be.
God bless you all.

Product Review: Vo5 MattClay

Just a quick review on the Vo5 MattClay styling wax for men, well women could use it as well I suppose. I actually LOVE this product it's the best wax I have ever come across I'm even stocked up on it I have about 6 tins in my room! 

It's light,smells nice and you can't see it in your hair oh and unlike other products it doesn't make your hair look greasy! Also one tin would last you about 5 months give or take because you only need the smallest amount to keep your hair up! So yes 5 stars from me.

Starting your own celeb photo wall

So most teenagers are making a celebrity photo wall recently!

It's one of the simplest things to do, and it's quite fun and gives you something to do while you're bored.
All that you need is, some magazines a pair of scissors some blue tack and a wall!

The instructions are pretty straight forward, get a magazine of your choice, find the pictures
You would like to stick on your wall cut them out and stick them up!
I have 2 walls done, personally I think it looks really cool.

My little 'coming out' story

Oh hello guys, yes I'm back again with another one of my little (I say little this will probably be long like the last blog) ha-ha. Well I'm just going to tell you my coming out story, how I came out, why I came out etc...

Well I don't really know where to start off with this one, but let's start on when I first realized that I was gay. So it was when I was about 12/13 when I was in year eight, that I realized I wasn't interested in girls and I was physically attracted to boys. From a very young age I've never had a father figure and always been brought up with and around girls, I have a HUGE family and they're all girls except for me.

So at school primary&high school I have always hung around with girls and like I said when I was in year eight I knew I was gay but acted straight I didn't dare to come out because I have a really rough family so I was scared in a way and didn't want to get judged and abuse. My friends and even my family asked me if I was gay and they said they would be fine with it, but I still went along and told everyone that I was completely straight!

Anyway all that went on until this year! I came out in January the 23rd I think it was (I know the date, sad I know) but yes that's when I came out and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. And this is how I did it:-) well basically about a month before I came out I told my school counselor and she said I should tell people when I was ready. And then I told a friend well she wasn't as much as a friend as I didn't really know her so I wasn't bothered if she judged me.. But thanks to her she helped me to come out she game me all the encouragement I needed but I was still thingy about the idea.. And then when I was in school this boy (he; s like one of the boys you would class as 'hard' and wouldn't mess with) and he asked me if I was gay and said to me if I am then I should just come out and no one will judge me. So I was happy that he said that.

In the end I first told my older sister, she was at my nans and I texted her telling her and she didn't believe me at first, then when she knew I was serious she was a bitch shocked, and a bit pi**ed off because she has stuck up for me in the past when people have said I was gay.. But after that she told my nan and then my nan text me and I had a conversation with her (not in person) and she told me it was fine. So then I asked her to tell the rest of the family because I was scared myself.. After that I told two of my best friends from school and they were really proud, plus they always wanted a gay best friend! HA, And then even more difficult I have 2 Muslim best friends which I was kind of wary about telling because in their eyes being gay is wrong.. But they weren't bothered!

So basically my family and friends knew then, but then my best friend suggested that I did a status on Facebook telling everyone (because I'm quite popular on Facebook and everyone sees my statuses lol) so then over 300 people saw/liked/commented on that giving me all support, telling me they're proud etc.. I even had all the 'lady lads' commenting nice things which were ace! And everyone respected me for coming out because I am LITERALLY the only person in my school till this day that has come out.. And luckily thanks to my sister and the attitude I have I'm not the kind of person people would say anything to so I never got abuse and still haven't had any abuse for being gay. So I'm happy and I am so glad that I did it!

My life in words (quite depressing lol)

Ok hi! I don't know what to write as I'm new to all this so I thought why not blog about my life. I am only 15 years old but in that 15 years a lot has happened..

So where do I start? Well I was brought up (still am) in Meir which is bad enough because it's a horrible area, my mum and dad were together from a young age and had me and my two sisters. A few years later that didn't work out and they split up. I can't exactly remember the age of me and my sisters when my mum started to take drugs but yes I think it was a couple of years after she split up with my dad, she then found a new partner who was also on drugs.. (His name was Simon, he was a horrible man) Anyway they started to take drugs but we kids didn't know anything of it because even though they were on drugs we ALWAYS got what we wanted pretty much, we had the best clothes as kids, the best toys/gadgets etc.. But never really had a proper mum and dad.

(Also they both used to mentally abuse me by calling me (fat/ugly/etc....) every single day and it got to the point where my confidence was that low I never went out, which I still don't till this day because I always feel fat and conscious of my weight.)

So as the years past we were all getting older and eventually found out about them taking drugs and to be honest we weren't really fussed, we live in Meir it's nothing new. Well after all of that my mum and my (ex-stepdad) split up, so it was just me and my sisters and my mum. She was still on the drugs but after a couple of years she decided it was enough and finally got off them which all the family was happy about.

So at this point I was in year nine, my little sister was in year eight and my older sister was in year eleven just leaving school. So we were all very aware of the situation and what was going on, but when we all think everything is getting better it just went to worse. Obviously when my mum got off the drugs she was really thin and basically looked like a rat, so she wanted to put weight back on to look better, so my uncle suggested that she drank a can of beer every day to put some weight on (which was a bad idea) as my mum has an addictive personality and as you know what I'm going to say next she got addicted to alcohol so then instead of a 'druggie of a mother' we had an alcoholic as a mother which was even worse.

Every single day she would wake up and start drinking, and she would drink all through the day until she was literally paraletic. So this went on for about 8months (this was last year 2012) so yes this went on and then pretty much everything changed for a while when one night when she was completely drunk she left the chip pan on in the kitchen, and she fell asleep while all us kids were asleep in bed, now the kitchen didn't set on fire but the chip pan did and it just filled the house with black smoke. And we didn't have any fire alarms but luckily my older sister came downstairs because she was coughing because of the smoke so she needed a drink but she wasn't aware that it was because the house was filled with smoke, she looked in the mirror because her nose was blocked and her face was just black with smoke.

After she woke me up and told me that there was a fire but it had been put out, and my mum was then awake and aware of all this. All that she did was opening the back patio doors to let the smoke out and told us to go back to bed, and then decided to call the fire brigade (not because she was worried about us, because she was wondering if she could get a claim) selfish I know.. Anyway when they came we all had to get out of the house and get checked over, turns out my sister was 8 minutes away from death and had to be put on a drip at the hospital. Anyway after all that happened and my sister was out of the hospital and everything we went and live back at my mums (which was only for a couple of weeks) until she smashed someones windows across the road.. So she got sent to prison which was a relief for everyone really.

Then me and my sisters went to live with my nan for a year, which i'm not going to get into.. That was all fine, we got what we needed and that's all we needed. So there isn't much else to tell really apart from my mum got out of jail last December and started to drink as soon as she got back out.. So we all came back to live here after a few months when social services said we were aloud. Well me and my little sister did my older sister stayed and lived with my nan until this day. And the last bit when my mum got out of prison in December she was on a 15month suspended sentence and if she did anything wrong she would go straight back which she did (she hit some woman) and is now getting sent back sometime in august so we're now having to move in with my dad.. Which is just great.

That's it really, nothing much to tell, but for those who did read all of this and if any of you have been through similar stuff then feel free to message me for a chat. Inspired by +sprinkleofglitter 's 'Draw my life' video x